Film Bridal Portraits and a Claire Pettibone Gown in an Outdoor Portrait Studio
Film Bridal Portraits and a Claire Pettibone Gown in an Outdoor Portrait Studio
Nov. 11, 2020, 10:50 a.m.
About the Whimsical Film Bridal Portraits at Charleston's Studio Sixty Reid
This was my second time constructing an outdoor studio at the old location of my Charleston portrait photography studio - Studio Sixty Reid. This go around, I wanted to do something bridal, shoot it all on film, and use this whimsical Victorian wedding gown (Marie) from Claire Pettibone. Kyleigh modeled the gown with grace and the whimsical, fashion forward flair that is a staple of my studio bridal portraiture.
Photographing Portraits in an Outdoor Studio
The oudoor studio is a pretty simple concept, and simple in construction. The idea came to me for an outdoor backdrop that belnds into the surrounding foliage, all the while still looking slightly out of place as an entity in nature. The studio is erected from a simple set of backdrop stands and a Savage Universal dark grey muslin cloth backdrop on the ground and some linen curtains I found at Ikea in the spare parts bin. That's it!
Equipment, Cameras and Film Stocks Used
I shot the entire series on film using a few cameras. For 35mm, I used my trusty Nikon Fm3a loaded with my favorite color 35mm stock, Kodak Gold 200. For medium format, I shot 1 roll of Kodak Portra 800, my favorite medium format color stock, through my Contax 645 (review here). I also shot a roll of Kodak T-Max 400 120 film through my Hasselblad 202FA and FE 110mm F2 (Review of both here).
Hasselblad 202FA + T-Max 400
Nikon Fm3a and Kodak Gold 200
Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 800
I even shot some large format film and developed and scanned it myself. The result was my favorite bridal portrait EVER! Intrepid Mkiii 4x5 and Schneider 210mm F5.6
35mm Film Double Exposure Bridal Portraits
One of my favorite personal experiments in film is shooting a roll of film twice (How To Here). The process requires me to shoot through a roll of 35mm film once, this time with the subject being clouds and sky, then I wind it up, reload it and shoot through it again with portraiture. The results this time were absolutely fantastic and resulted in, again, one of my favorite bridal portraits ever (see top image). I initially shot through the film roll in my Nikon fm2n then the second go around in the nikon fm3a. The film used was kodak gold 200.
Portrait Photography Studio Locations - Studio Sixty Reid
Charleston SC Photography Studio
I own and operate a portrait photography studio in Charleston, SC. Charleston South Carolina is the birthplace of my photography business and where I discovered and refined my love for studio portraiture. Studio Sixty Reid, named after a location where I created some of my favorite early portrait work, is a natural light and flash photography portrait studio right in the heart of Downtown Charleston. The studio is in a prime location, just a short walk from bustling king street and features solid color seamless backdrops, clean white walls, a mid century styled section for lifestyle photography shoots and enough space to create custom sets for your portrait and editorial photography projects.
Northern Michigan Photography Studio - Traverse City
I spend most of my Summer in Northern Michigan, 45 minutes south of Traverse City. I run an in home studio, under the same name of Studio Sixty Reid, in my lakefront family cottage. The studio features natural light and flash photography capabilities and has beautiful lake front views in the small town of Bear Lake Michigan. My Bear Lake studio is where I first set up a portrait studio, and first developed my love for flash photography and shooting film with strobes.
Learn more about Brian D Smith Film Wedding Photographer and Studio Portrait Photography
Brian D Smith Photography Studio Portrait Portfolio and Information
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If you are inspired by what you read, I'd love to invite you to reach out about the portrait photography studio services I offer. I have poratrait studio locations in Charleston SC and Traverse City Michigan. My guarantee is that you won't find a photographer that cares more about you and your story than I. I'm endlessly passionate about telling stories on film and pushing the boundaries of art in portrait photography. I'd be thrilled to work for you and tell your story through intentional and creative portraiture. I photograph Branding Portraits, Bridal and Wedding Portraits, Heirloom Portraits, Boudoir, and Creative / Editorial Portraiture and Fashion in studio. I celebrate all people, LGBTQ and straight. I celebrate all races and backgrounds, and there isn't a soul in this world that doesn't have an inspiring story to be told.
If you'd like more info about this post, would just like to chat, or are ready to book, reach out to me by visiting my contact page here!
Contact Studio Portrait Photographer Brian D Smith Photography